Our club

We’re a group of energetic people who enjoy good company, exercise and fun adventures in the great outdoors. Our club has an enthusiastic committee of dedicated volunteers who plan, help organise and often act as leaders of hikes. Most of us live in or around Stellenbosch.

The Stellenbosch Hiking Club organises a large variety of day and weekend hikes in the Western Cape. The distinct grading of hikes assists the prospective hiker in choosing a suitable hike from those offered, depending on his or her fitness and fancy for adventure.

There are so many wonderful places to hike in the Western Cape and Southern Africa. Up mountains, in valleys, down rivers, along the sea, in the desert, so much to see! We enjoy the exercise, the good conversations, the interesting people we meet, the adventure and the fresh air.

Join us on Facebook.

Ons klub

Ons is ’n groep energieke mense wat goeie geselskap, oefening en lekker avonture in die vrye natuur geniet. Ons klub het ’n entoesiastiese komitee bestaande uit toegewyde vrywilligers wat die uitstappies beplan, organiseer en ook dikwels lei. Die meeste van ons woon in of in die omstreke van Stellenbosch.

Die Stellenbosch Voetslaanklub organiseer ‘n groot verskeidenheid dag- en naweekuitstappies in die Wes-Kaap. Die duidelike gradering van stappe maak dit vir die voornemende stapper maklik om, afhangende van sy of haar fiksheid en avontuurlus, ‘n keuse te maak uit die program van stappe wat beplan word.

Daar is so baie wonderlike stapplekke in die Wes-Kaap en Suid-Afrika. Bo in die berge, in valleie, met riviere af, langs die see, in die woestyn, so veel om te sien! Ons geniet die oefening, goeie geselskap, interessante mense wat jy ontmoet, die avontuur en die vars lug.

Ons is ook op Facebook.

Club history

Download and read our club history.

Klub geskiedenis

Die klub geskiedenis kan hier afgelaai en gelees word.



Please consult the Information & Hiking Programme for the current committee members and contact details.


Raadpleeg asseblief die Inligting & Stapprogram vir die huidige komiteelede en kontakbesonderhede.



Hike leaders

Our hike leaders are experienced club members who organise and lead the hikes. If you’re joining us for a hike as a visitor, please let the hike leader know. Hike leaders are indicated in the hiking programme that is included in the Information & Hiking Programme.



Ons stapleiers is ervare klublede wat die stappe organiseer en lei. Indien u aan ’n stap wil deelneem, laat weet die stapleier. Raadpleeg die stapprogramme wat ingesluit is in die Inligting & Stapprogram om te sien wie die stapleier is.


Club constitution

Download and read our club constitution. It explains our basic rules and guidelines.


Klub grondwet

Die grondwet kan hier afgelaai en gelees word. Dit verduidelik ons basiese reëls en riglyne.

Code of conduct

  • The leader of the hike must be obeyed at all times. The leader walks at the front with all the members behind him/ her.
  • With a view to the group’s safety, the leader may, at any time, check a person’s equipment or evaluate his or her fitness and may exclude a person from the hike if it is judged that the person would handicap the group or compromise the safety of the group.
  • Do not litter.
  • Protect and conserve the natural beauty of our mountains by respecting the environment, by staying on the footpaths and not to take shortcuts.
  • Take only photos and only leave tracks.
  • Obey the rules and regulations and obtain permission from the authorities involved prior to entering areas with limited access.
  • When leaving the path for some or other reason, leave your rucksack next to the footpath for others to see.
  • Remain in touch with the group – do not stray.
  • Always behave considerately towards fellow-hikers.
  • Hiking is a privilege, not to be abused.


  • Die stapleier moet te alle tye gehoorsaam word. Die stapleier stap voor en al die lede agter hom/haar.
  • Met die oog op die groep se veiligheid mag die stapleier te enige tyd ‘n persoon se toerusting nagaan en mag hy ‘n persoon wegwys indien hy reken dat die persoon en/of die groep verontrief of in gevaar gestel mag word.
  • Moenie rommel strooi nie.
  • Beskerm en bewaar die natuurlike prag van ons berge deur nie die omgewing te bemors nie, op die voetpaaie te bly en nie die kortpaaie te neem nie.
  • Neem net foto’s en laat net spore.
  • Gehoorsaam die reëls en regulasies van, en verkry toestemming of permitte van die betrokke instansies voordat jy gebiede met beperkte toegang binnegaan.
  • Wanneer jy om spesifieke redes die pad moet verlaat, laat jou rugsak langs die voetpad sodat dit vir ander sigbaar is.
  • Bly in verbinding met die groep – moenie afdwaal nie.
  • Tree altyd bedagsaam teenoor jou medestappers op.
  • Voetslaan is ‘n voorreg – moenie dit misbruik nie.